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Bilgi Bankası

AnasayfaBilgi BankasıLinuxKill Inactive and Idle Linux Users ...

Kill Inactive and Idle Linux Users - Linux te aktif olmayan ssh baglantilarini iptal etme

Of course, if you’re on a system with multiple users, or you’re logged into the box with multiple connections, using the above method and searching through a huge tree of processes trying to figure out which is which will not be fun. Here’s another way of doing it: Looking at the output from the w command above, we can see that the idle users’ TTY is pts/0 so now all we need is the PID for the parent process. We can find that by running who -all | grep raam:

Here we can see that 18076 is the PID for the parent process of pts/0, so once we issue kill -1 18076 that idle session will be gone!


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