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Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 7.1.

Slmlar ,

Error: Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: The file /home/eakcomtr/public_html/modules/servers/hostingcontroller/hostingcontroller.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.0 and cannot run under PHP 7.1. 
Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 7.1. in Unknown:0 Stack trace: 
#0 /home/eakcomtr/public_html/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Utility/Error/Run.php(0): WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleError(16, 'The file /home/...', 'Unknown', 0)
#1 [internal function]: WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleShutdown() #2 {main}


Whmcs de bu hatayi aliyorsaniz vede ioncube dogru yuklendiyse eger, bu hatadan kurtulmanin en kolay yolu,  

  • Mevcut Whmcs versiyonunu indiriyorsunuz ve bir yere aciyorsunuz.
  • Sunucudaki whmcs ye  ait olan admin ve modul klasorleriniz siliyorsunuz
  • Yereldeki Whmcs klsorundeki admin ve module klasorunu sunucuya upload ediyoruz.

Hepsi bukkadar,



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