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Linux Plesk Panelde PHP Versiyon Guncelleme (Upgrade PHP on Parallels Plesk Panel for Linux/Unix)

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sh atomic

Komutunu calistiriyoruz ve islemler bittiginde buna benzer satirlar goreceksinizAtomic Archive installer, version 1.1

Configuring the [atomic] yum archive for this system

Installing the Atomic GPG key: OK
Downloading atomic-release-1.0-10.el5.art.noarch.rpm: OK

Would you like to add the Plesk yum repository to the system?

The Atomic Rocket Turtle archive has now been installed and configured for your system.

The following channels are available:
atomic - [ACTIVATED] - contains the stable tree of ART packages.
atomic-testing - [DISABLED] - contains the testing tree of ART packages.
atomic-bleeding - [DISABLED] - contains the development tree of ART packages.

Bu islem bittikten sonra upgrade islemine gecebiliriz.

yum upgrade php

Komutu ile guncelleme islemini yapmis oluyoruz..


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